Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 5/26/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 20 for Friday, May 26th, 2011!
Listen to today's show at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking here...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-26T08_28_19-07_00 So since I'm in a rush todayI've asked all the characters to come up with something to say
Hi, I'm Benita the Rodeoqueen
I think Mike is tall and clean
Hello I'm the Disgruntled Fiddle Player
I have to say I'm a lover not a hater
Hello I'm the Brewmaster
I'm make rootbeer that makes people throw up faster
Hello deh, I'm Valentino the Parking Attendant...
he had nothing to sing
We've all been saved I think... Today we have another installment of NEWS RANDOMThat's about it. More on my trip and what's going on tomorrow included.Any questions just take a look at today's picture. Enjoy your Friday! Subscribe at iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Til Tuesday listen at cinchcast.com/MikeMatthews or twitter.com/MikeTalks Mike
Podcast.Blog.comListen to a direct MP3 link of the show by clicking here...
If any problems go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 5/25/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 19 for Wednesday, May 25th, 2011!
To listen to the show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com click here...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-25T08_33_58-07_00 So tomorrow my wife and I are going to DCto the east coast and humidiTY
Our good friends Collin and Courtney
are going to get marrie.....d
While we're there since I've been there before
I'll show my wife who hasn't been all the cool what for
like the Capitol, the monuments, the smithsonian
we're coming from Nor Cal which can be so cool bohemian
ahhh the humidity, the thunderstorms, the smell of freshly cut grass
You'll still get my daily podcasts and news
through cinchcast dot com slash Mike MatthewsSo Olivia Ward won Biggest Loser last night...did you notice or were you watching Dancing with the Stars?Chely Shoehart his hit a road bump with her new invention and product...we'll find out what it is. Floyd the Floorman gets a nice little windfall and puts it towards an interesting project...we'll find out what that is.Plus another edition of Mike on Mobile!Tomorrow, before my wife and I head out to Washington DC I'll bring you one last Daily Oddcast from THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH. I'll be posting on facebook my dailies by phone from Friday to next Tuesday so keep an eye out for those (my blog will have more info). Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Mike
Podcast.Blog.com For a direct MP3 link click here...
If that doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 5/24/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 18 for Tuesday, May 24th, 2011!
Click here to listen to the show at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on this link... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-24T08_46_45-07_00Someday I see this show will staron All Things Considered on NPR
They'll play the chorus of this song
As I try to sing along
then they'll say something about crazy podcasters
and how they're so much weirder than normal broadcasters
and they'll say this guy does one every day
oh, and we're doing a fundraiser so pay pay pay!
After which, I think my downloads will spike by, oh, half a percent
So even on an NPR station
Things get reduced by the soundbite nationSpeaking of radio, I heard an interesting bit of radio news I'll tell you about... Today I take my finals at the community college. What I learned about community college? Some recent high school grads that find themselves in community college are the most burnt out people I've ever met. My hats off to the teachers who were being more like cheerleaders than professors. They were trying to get them happy about learning. However, some of those kids need a lot to be happy. How 'bout my computer science class? Hang on to your hats... Valentino and Bison Bentley stop by and discuss their friendship.Madame Rootabega makes a prediction about something very close to her.Tomorrow we'll hear from Chely Shoehart and the Brewmaster on Weirdnsday. See how I did that? Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Mike
Podcast.Blog.com For a direct MP3 link to the show click below...
If that doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Monday, May 23, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 5/23/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 17 for Monday, May 23rd, 2011!
To listen to the show click on the link to MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com here...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-23T09_39_28-07_00 It's Monday and I'm recordingeffizode 17 this morning
What an interesting weekend
It was supposed to be THE END
At least the idiots at Family Radio
admit they were wrong and say that No,
No one should try to pick a later date
they have messed up before so their record isn't great
You know, they got more publicity than JCPenny for making a date important
So be happy on this Monday
at least its not Tribulation Fun DaySo I bought a "green" cellphone...I'll tell you how that's working out... Tomorrow is my last final for my community college classes. I'll tell you how I'm preparing...Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player stop by to tell us how their weekend went what with the wine tasting and lack of biscuits... And the Brewmaster tells us how his weekend went.Tomorrow we hear from Valentino, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega. Tuesday will be a party...So will Wednesday and Thursday. Friday through next Tuesday, however, I will be in Washington DC and won't be able to do my normal podcast. I WILL still be able to bring you the daily podcast via my phone using my cinchcast.com/MikeMatthews account (no singing, sadly). Enjoy today's picture of my wife's aunt's dog enjoying the sunset. Summer's almost here!To subscribe on iTunes click here http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Mike
Podcast.Blog.comFor the direct MP3 link click here...
If that doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.podomatic.com
Sunday, May 22, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 5/22/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 16 for Sunday, May 22nd, 2011!
To listen to the show click on the MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com link below...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-22T10_22_16-07_00 So judgement day has passedI think we kick familyradio's ass
People gave up everything and after
They found out no one got raptured
The leader of this movement named Harold Camping
Should be up on trial for tampering
with poor feeble minds like that guy in F L A
Who burned the Koran causing Middle East outrage
And on this Sunday morning, let us bow our heads and hope no more wacko's show up!
before you pass the offering plate today
Make sure your funding something saneMy wife and I saw the new movie "Bridesmaids." Have you seen it? If not, I'll let you know about it.Thanks for the comments you submit! I'm sure getting a lot of comments from one person, for sure! I'll tell you about that. Chely Shoehart stops by and lets us know how her "Retainer Container" is selling.Floyd the Floorman tries to get all his money back from Arnold Schwarzenegger's mistress.Oh, and today's picture is just a neat little GPS moment when it let's you know you're going into the water. Yeah, thanks for the info, stupid GPS. Tomorrow we'll hear from Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player as well as the Brewmaster. Monday will be good, regardless, with those 3 showing up!Mike
Podcast.Blog.com To go to the direct MP3 link click below...
If that doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Saturday, May 21, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 5/21/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 15 for Saturday May 21st, 2011...Doomsday!!!
Listen to the show by clicking on the MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com link...
So Katy Perry's popular
She's taken that annoying voice far
Not to say that mine's much better
But I look less striking in a sweater
Her rider was talked about on Yahoo
And she has 45 pages to tell them what to do
Before her show she has rules for her chauffeur
He can't drive in the left lane or even look at her
Talk about get her to the Greek! She's taking a couple cues from her hubby!
Oh, and she sells her own tickets that she gets anywayz
Is she that hard up for money these days?
So the end of the world came and went and I still see a lot of Christians walking around! What's going on? I have a book that might explain...and it's not the Bible!
Valentino, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega all stop by...
We also have another installment of MIKE ON MOBILE!
By the way, we are "inheriting" the dog you see in today's picture. She's a beautiful boxer named Layla whom Basil already knows and loves! Basil is in today's show, too!
Tomorrow we'll hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd. They're looking forward to cancelling all their Sunday plans to come to THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH!
Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461
For a direct MP3 link to the podcast click below...
If that doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Friday, May 20, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 5/20/2011
Does it work or does it fail?
They give you more markers there to use
Lots more procrastination choices to choose
And there's this thing that google uses when you search online
It only shows you things it thinks you'll want to find
How the heck do they know that? It's kinda rude
More like Big Brother in that George Orwell book
Google is GOOGING us! Do we want to be GOOGED?
The Internet is changing and I'm not
Soon it will know your every thought!I saw my neighbor mowing his lawn today with his electric mower. It gave me scary flash backs. I'll tell you why.I'm going to attempt to change my oil today. I'll tell you why I'm chewing my nails over this. Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player tell us about their big weekend plans.The Brewmaster's rootbeer is now being carried by a big chain. We'll find out who is carrying it. Tomorrow we'll hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bentley along with Madame Rootabega. Yeah! The weekend's here! Time to go out and see a stupid movie!Subscribe to podcast using iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Hunter!Mike
Podcast.Blog.comClick here for a direct MP3 link to the show...
If this doesn't work go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Thursday, May 19, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Thursday 5/19/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 13 for Thursday May 19th, 2011! This is the lucky 13th effizode! Hooray!
To listen to the podcast at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com click on... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-19T08_37_36-07_00So people who are getting fed upwith the thought of us all getting raptured up
Now some Oakland atheists
Are fighting back with words not fists
They have bought a billboard near the other one
That said Judgement Day is May twenty one
One the atheist's billboard says something thence...
"the Rapture you KNOW it's nonsense"
Then on Sat they were raptured to this awesome party where there was a lot of pasta
so before you join a doomsday cult
You've got 2 days left to do your laundry What's a doofapalooza? I'll tell you about it.Chely Shoehart has bought something interesting with the money she made off Google. We'll find out what.Floyd the Floorman got something else with the money he got from Google. Not so good. We'll find out what. We also have our premiere of "News Random!"Tomorrow, for the Friday effizode, we'll hear from Benita the Rodeoqueen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster. What a great group to celebrate Friday with! Mike
Podcast.Blog.comClick below for the direct mp3 link..
If not working go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 5/18/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 12 for Wednesday, May 18th, 2011
Listen to the show at the link to MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-18T11_20_05-07_00 Yesterday we went to an art exhibitLots of senior citizens in it
Then we saw a clueless lady
Pushing around a coughing baby
It was a stroller with a germ dispenser
The older people looking for hand sanitizer
The baby coughing all over the art pieces
I'm only glad he wasn't hitting them with feces
I guess, in the end, we were all glad about that...
Worse than a restaurant full of screaming children
Is a coughing baby sprinkler dressed like a little pilgrim Actually I just added that last part. If he was dressed as a little pilgrim I wouldn't mind.Walking the dog this morning (no, that's not my dog on today's picture) we found out something interesting about my street at 8am. I'll tell you what that is. Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bentley have found a buyer for the parking lot, I'll tell you who.Madame Rootabega could quite possibly save the day. Why and how you'll find out in the podcast. Also, the premier "effizode" of Mike on Mobile! I mention the "Pulp Fashion" exhibit we saw at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. We also saw a display of dresses by the late fashion legend Cristobal Balenciaga. Yeah, I don't know a thing about a fashion. Now maybe I know something. Let me see, should I wear my Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt or my "Love Guru" t-shirt today? Tomorrow we'll hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman. Maybe I should just call him Floyd. His job shouldn't define him.Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Mike
Podcast.Blog.comClick here for direct MP3 link...
Go to MikeMatthews.posterous.com if not working.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 5/17/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 11 for Tuesday May the 17, 2011!
Listen to the podcast by going to MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com and clicking below... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-17T08_51_17-07_00 So raise your hand if you thought
Arnold was eventually going to get caught
He was behaving inappropriately
at every movie cast party
Imagine if this scandal had been given away
While he was governor of Californ I A
Forget about Obama's birth certificate
We would have seen something worse than our state's debt
Actually, that's pretty bad
So today I'm going to the city
with my friends Steve and Terri Tomorrow we'll hear from Valentino, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega. There are some people with strange names on this show!Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Click below for the direct MP3 link...Mike
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 5/17/2011

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 11 for Tuesday May the 17, 2011!
Listen to the podcast by going to MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com and clicking below...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-17T08_51_17-07_00 So raise your hand if you thoughtArnold was eventually going to get caught
He was behaving inappropriately
at every movie cast party
Imagine if this scandal had been given away
While he was governor of Californ I A
Forget about Obama's birth certificate
We would have seen something worse than our state's debt
Actually, that's pretty bad
So today I'm going to the city
with my friends Steve and Terri Tomorrow we'll hear from Valentino, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega. There are some people with strange names on this show!Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Click below for the direct MP3 link...Mike
Monday, May 16, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 5/16/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 10 for Monday May 16th 2011...we made it to ten!
Listen to the podcast by going to MichaelMatthews@podomatic.com by clicking on... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-16T09_11_04-07_00Well so far we've made 10 of these shows! Yesterday I took a BART adventure and took a picture of a burning car. I'll tell you more about that. Survivor ended its latest season last night. We'll look at that.Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman are getting bought out...we'll look at that and that.Tomorrow it's the Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player invasion along with the Brewmaster. Yeeks! Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes by going to http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Click on the direct mp3 link to the show below... MikePodcast.Blog.com
Sunday, May 15, 2011
MIKEs DAILY POCAST for Sunday 5/15/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 9 (almost 10) for Sunday, May 15th, 2011!
Listen to the show at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking below...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-15T08_51_03-07_00 I went to 3 plays performed last nightby students who can really write...well
It's nice to see students with such a high aims
Not just addicted to video games
The guest that we had on the podcast on Friday
was the stage manager for one of the plays
about a bunch of kids living in a mental hospital
The end was strange but was pretty plausible
Look, I'm a theater critic all of a sudden
The actors have lots of promise
I wasn't on the theater after party listThe last play I was in the last century didn't have a final show celebration I'll tell you why.Why I'm having trouble getting to San Francisco for such huge things as Bay to Breakers. Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bentley have big plans for this Sunday.Madame Rootabega predicts how this week's going to go.Tomorrow we'll get a visit from Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman. But that's Monday and we don't want to think about Monday right now. Subscribe to the show on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Listen to the direct mp3 of the podcast by clicking below... MIke
Saturday, May 14, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 5/14/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 8 kicking off Saturday, May 14th, 2011!
Listen at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on the link...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-14T08_24_58-07_00 I don't have today's lyrics posted so you'll have to imagine what they are!MIKE'S DAILY PODCAST is exactly one week old! I've been doing a podcast everyday. In this special anniversary issue we hear from Benita the Rodeoqeen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster. Craziness ensues. Tomorrow we'll check in on Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bentley and see if they're still going to stop attending the parking lot. Madame Rootabega will stop by and probably predict something. Wonder what that will be! Subscribe to the show on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Click on the direct link to the mp3 of the show to listen below... Mike
Friday, May 13, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday (yikes) the 13th...5/13/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 7 for Friday the 13th! (Does lucky number 7 cancel out the 13?) Yes, it's May, 13th, 2011 and I have a fun interview for you!
Listen to the show at MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-13T11_22_12-07_00It's Friday Friday Fridaybut it's not go play Jai Alai day
There's a chili cookoff at Rowel Ranch
Afterwards there will be a nasty "stanch"
Bay to Breakers is going on this Sunday
It's 100 years of nudity and gay
In other words the best race in all the world
As long as you don't drink so much that you go hurl
You know, technically those two words don't rhyme so I apologize, Earl
But this year there's no floats or booze
What's left to get if you run and lose? I hope you enjoy the fun picture of my boxer Basil Rathbone with his "rope bone" waiting at the door.Tomorrow we will get to Benita the Rodeoqeen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player along with the Brewmaster who were delayed today to our preempting interview. Make sure to tune in tomorrow to kick your weekend up a notch! Mike
Podcast.Blog.comSubscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 To listen to today's show directly using the mp3 click on this
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 5/11/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 5 for May 11th, 2011! Judgement Day Just 10 Days Away???
Click below for the MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com link for the show... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-11T11_07_53-07_00So they're saying May twenty oneIs the Judgement Day what fun
There's no tomorrow so give me your stuff
It's just a way to make big bucks
Back when I was in Van Nuys Baptist day school
They're were telling us we'd never make it to '82
Then they spouted a bunch of Revelations verses
Believe me I've seen a lot of May twenty first's
So when 5 21 2011 passes by and we're all still here we should put up billboards that ask, what happened?
The church that started this in Oakland
That's just north of me, so close, man!This was all started by what's called "Family Radio." Is that what you get when cross family with radio, a date that's the end of the human race? Radio is the end of lots of things. For someone I used to work with at my last radio job, it's the end of hope. I'll tell you why.Meanwhile one of the classes I'm taking to get out of radio are starting to really bug me. I'll tell you about that in the podcast. But enough about "end" stuff. Looking at the picture I have with today's podcast, you see Huntsville, Alabama, and the Big Spring Park that is in its downtown. I saw this picture today that I took 2 years ago and I thought about the bad times my former hometown have been seeing lately with the horrible tornadoes that came through. I hope for better days for them. Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bently are going to make a big change in the parking lot of THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH. We'll find out what it is.And Madame Rootabega makes big prediction for me. Does it have something to do with May 21st? Listen to Mike's Oddcast now! AND BEFORE I FORGET! Our good friend Ariel Jacobsen is stage managing an original student written and produced play at Chabot College called "State of Mind." The performance is tonight at 9pm and is only 5 bucks if you can make it out to Hayward! There's also a performance on Saturday night that I'm not going to miss! Tomorrow we hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman. Hopefully there'll be a May 12th!Subscribe to this show daily at iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461 Below is a direct link to the mp3 for the podcast. Comment below if you're having trouble opening it and I'll let posterous.com know they're messin' wit my code! Mike
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 5/10/2011
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 4 for May 10th, 2010!
click below for the podcast on podomatic.com...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-10T10_56_53-07_00 I feel like an old lady in a casinowith the s...bux doing half price frappuhchino's
You have to be there from 3 to 5
I find that's when the interesting people arrive
Yesterday I made my own iced coffay
You just brew a pot and then put it away
till it cools down, help it out with ice
then a pump of sugar free caramel syrup makes it nice
add cream and a little brandy if you want that "eggnog" experience...
Here's effizode 4 for a boring Tuesday
Comment below if you have something to say...Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player are upset about a certain, somewhat national chain store. We'll find out which one. The Brewmaster discovered something at a garage sale weekend that may end up causing the patrons of THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH to literally find themselves in their last place on earth.Arnold and Maria are separated. This comes as no shock to some of you and as a complete yawn to others of you. I give you an update on what it's like to experience the Alabama tornadoes from Alameda County.Does Carrie Underwood really have an awesome voice, or is she just yelling at us on key?Tomorrow we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant and Bison Bentley with Madame Rootabega. If you don't know who they are you're not listening enough! Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Have a great Tuesday! The direct MP3 of the show is clickable below... Mike
Monday, May 9, 2011
MIKEs DAILY PODCAST effizode 3 for Monday 5/9/2011
listen to today's show by clicking below (ignore any excess code!)...Outside my window there were bulldozers aplenty
They were digging up the street
and using sledgehammers that couldn't keep a beat
Yesterday was mother's day and Oh Great Scotts
We had a party at my mother-in-law's and I ate lots
Then we watched the Sharks loose their hockey game
Not a great night to drive home in San Jose
Have I told you Jerry Seinfeld did a concert in Cupertino and said a Cupertino was a small cup of coffee?
Now the week has to begin
Back to Business homework again!Chely Shoehart drops by to give some input on having a daily podcast.Floyd the Floorman says the new Firefox Mozilla 4 is ruining his life. Also, what is going on with bizarre recurring themes in the media and what was really going on in front of my house at 11:20 last night? Oh, and what's the strange code underneath my podcast player at Podcast.blog.com? Listen at Podomatic.com by clicking here...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-09T09_35_58-07_00Tomorrow we hear from Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player as well as the Brewmaster! Comment below if you have any questions for them and they'll answer them tomorrow! Promise! Subscribe on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Mike
Sunday, May 8, 2011

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 2 for Sunday May 8th, 2011...HAPPY MOTHER'S
Mother's Day is here
so make that fresh bouquet appear
May 8th and Cinco De Mayo I think
Someone wants mommy to have more offspring
I think tequila companies are making bank
This holiday gets people to go drank
And she'll have a hangover and start to pray
But enough about Mother's day
I wonder if anyone listens to podcasts on Sundays
so enjoy this podcast and keep in mind
your mommy never liked it when you whined
Here's a business proposition: Set up a flower stand on a busy corner
today. If that doesn't work, find out where the next graduation is and
stand on a busy corner by a school or on school if you can do it.
I forgot to mention last podcast that my wife and I waited with baited
breath last Sunday to find out about our house in Alabama. We were very
relieved to hear it's still standing.
Valentino the Parking Attendant and his assistant Bison Bentley are upset
with some unwanted guests in the parking lot of THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.
Our special guest who was a regular on the show back when we were on the
radio from the early 90's to the early 00's looks into my future to give me
some great motherly advice!
Listen to the show on Podomatic here at...
Tomorrow we hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman. Tune in for a
laugh, a giggle, a smirk.
Listen on iTunes at
MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 2 for Sunday May 8th, 2011...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
so make that fresh bouquet appear
May 8th and Cinco De Mayo I think
Someone wants mommy to have more offspring
I think tequila companies are making bank
This holiday gets people to go drank
And she'll have a hangover and start to pray
But enough about Mother's day
I wonder if anyone listens to podcasts on Sundays
so enjoy this podcast and keep in mind
your mommy never liked it when you whined Here's a business proposition: Set up a flower stand on a busy corner today. If that doesn't work, find out where the next graduation is and stand on a busy corner by a school or on school if you can do it. I forgot to mention last podcast that my wife and I waited with baited breath last Sunday to find out about our house in Alabama. We were very relieved to hear it's still standing.Valentino the Parking Attendant and his assistant Bison Bentley are upset with some unwanted guests in the parking lot of THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.Our special guest who was a regular on the show back when we were on the radio from the early 90's to the early 00's looks into my future to give me some great motherly advice! Listen to the show on Podomatic here at...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-08T10_48_39-07_00 Tomorrow we hear from Chely Shoehart and Floyd the Floorman. Tune in for a laugh, a giggle, a smirk. Listen on iTunes at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Mike
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Listen to the show directly by clicking here...Let's see how long this show will last
My boxer's mad he has to sit through this
he'd rather go outside and find a tree on which to pisition himself next to
I enjoyed doing a half hour show for over 4 months
Sometimes people listened or at least that is my hunch
Now the podcast's shorter and coming to you each day
Now my dog is gnawing on my leg and wants to play
no! I'm not playing mike's leg is made out of turkey meat!
so enjoy this show rebooted
and enjoy me looking stupid!Yesterday I made what we affectionately call Georgia's Cheesy Potatoes. I describe in the podcast. Delicious! Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player stop by to critique my homework thus far for community college. The Brewmaster makes me a type of coffee rootbeer. Yes, he holds the patent. We hear from singer/songwriter Irene Pena and the last bit of her interview that I never got a chance to play. Plus one of her songs!Listen to the show on Podomatic by clicking here...http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2011-05-07T11_45_34-07_00 Plus you can subscribe to iTunes by going to http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/michaelmatthewss-podcast/id318601461Tomorrow we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant and his assistant Bison Bentley. The podcast still hails from THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH so the same characters are still around. Plus we hear from a new one (actually one from a past incarnation of the show)! Make sure to come back here to download and listen! Mike

Listen to the show directly by clicking here...
This is my first daily podcast
Let's see how long this show will last
My boxer's mad he has to sit through this
he'd rather go outside and find a tree on which to pisition himself next to
I enjoyed doing a half hour show for over 4 months
Sometimes people listened or at least that is my hunch
Now the podcast's shorter and coming to you each day
Now my dog is gnawing on my leg and wants to play
no! I'm not playing mike's leg is made out of turkey meat!
so enjoy this show rebooted
and enjoy me looking stupid!
Yesterday I made what we affectionately call Georgia's Cheesy Potatoes. I
describe in the podcast. Delicious!
Benita the Rodeoqueen and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player stop by to critique
my homework thus far for community college.
The Brewmaster makes me a type of coffee rootbeer. Yes, he holds the
We hear from singer/songwriter Irene Pena and the last bit of her interview
that I never got a chance to play. Plus one of her songs!
Listen to the show on Podomatic by clicking here...
Plus you can subscribe to iTunes by going to
Tomorrow we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant and his assistant
Bison Bentley. The podcast still hails from THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH so the
same characters are still around. Plus we hear from a new one (actually one
from a past incarnation of the show)! Make sure to come back here to
download and listen!