Monday, October 31, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/31/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 155 for Monday, October 31st, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So Happy Halloween I must say
a little something about something yesterday
when I ranted about Cumulus
and how they've ransacked KLOS
I know you may love radio and want to defend
your favorite DJ who is still trying to blend
with the rest of the business so he don't get canned
but he will eventually it's all according to plan
so that's some scary stuff for you on an All Hallow's Eve! 
And mom and pop radio stations aren't any better
all the corporations have left on them their scarlet letter...let's do it this way!  That citified station does it that way!  So we must do it that way!  The idiot way!

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Chely Shoehart, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where I go into the field to speak to a very interesting person!  Walking in the field is scary.  Never know when you'll be eaten alive by the Great Pumpkin.  Is that what Linus was talking about?

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment NEWS RANDOM plus we'll hear from Floyd the Floorman, John Deer the Engineer, and Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor: three people who never worked in radio, but they sure tried to call in to win Backstreet Boys tickets.  Yeah, I've just exposed them for what they really are!  Radio listeners with bad taste.


Sponsoring may never happen for this show since they always ask how many people download this show.  Oh well.  Email

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 10/30/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 154 for Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So I'm a little tired today
though it is a sleep-in Sunday
the past couple nights I've been snoring apparently
so my wife keeps waking me up to alert to me
last night she did it and that was enough
I couldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours and stuff
was whirring in my mind so I was an insomniac
she got to sleep pretty well so I am fighting back
tonight, I will record her so she can hear she's not exactly silent either!
I sleep between my boxer and my lady love
the two both snore so who can really rise above?

Today we hear from the Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, PLUS we take another look inside the book THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA for a word that strikes fear in the hearts of many!

Tomorrow we will bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where I will be talking from a remote location with some interesting people.  It'll be phone quality (and my cell sucks) but I think you'll find it entertaining.  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, and Bison Bentley: three people that snore in their sleep.  So much so that the rest of the world wants to put them to sleep.  That's kinda sad.


Sponsor this show and you might win a free pony!  A pony!  Isn't that wonderful!  Yes, and it's also a complete lie!  Email me at

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MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 10/30/2011

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 154 for Sunday, October 30th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So I'm a little tired today
though it is a sleep-in Sunday
the past couple nights I've been snoring apparently
so my wife keeps waking me up to alert to me
last night she did it and that was enough
I couldn't go back to sleep for 2 hours and stuff
was whirring in my mind so I was an insomniac
she got to sleep pretty well so I am fighting back
tonight, I will record her so she can hear she's not exactly silent either!
I sleep between my boxer and my lady love
the two both snore so who can really rise above?

Today we hear from the Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, PLUS we take another look inside the book THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA for a word that strikes fear in the hearts of many!

Tomorrow we will bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE where I will be talking from a remote location with some interesting people.  It'll be phone quality (and my cell sucks) but I think you'll find it entertaining.  Plus we'll hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, and Bison Bentley: three people that snore in their sleep.  So much so that the rest of the world wants to put them to sleep.  That's kinda sad.


Sponsor this show and you might win a free pony!  A pony!  Isn't that wonderful!  Yes, and it's also a complete lie!  Email me at

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 10/29/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 152 for Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

We continued helping our roommate
look for a place to live in that's great
one thing I noticed at the university
is that women there are pretty darn messy
every place we looked at the hygiene seemed low
they are all incredibly busy and tired, though
that's the college experience
so dust bunnies become very dense
I don't even want to recall how messy our UCSB apartment was...4 roommates.  Ick.
so here's to those of you who live a busy existence
just remember to not forget to

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the much loved segment WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  What word or phrase gets special recognition this week?

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA plus we'll hear from the Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player: three people that should never live together in close quarters.  They might just create a stench that will kill the world.  Or they might create a really bad sandwich.


Know someone who wants to sponsor a podcast?  Know someone who's invented cold fusion?  Both pretty unlikely but give them my email

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Friday, October 28, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 10/28/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 152 for Friday, October 28th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

I watched a movie on youtube
you just have to find all the parts and put it in a cue
I watched a movie called The King of Kong
about the highest score ever on Donkey Kong
it showed a bunch of geeks from the early eighties
and how they grew up to be giant babies
all white all male makes you wonder what's up
with being so obsessed with video game stuff
the one guy who was the original highest score looked like a thin mullet wearing 40 year old
this movie covered various d baggery
all in all a very interesting documentary

Today we hear from Madame Rootabega, Valentino the Parking Attendant, and Bison Bentley, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE featuring me somewhere that you really only go to this time of year.  No, not the scary, smelly, way too much latex costume store.  Could I have some screaming and crying kids, please?

Tomorrow we bring you WHAT's THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK? plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people who are excellent at Donkey Kong.  So much so they have received their honorary geek-thrashing from a poodle made of toilet paper sitting in a bucket of Zima.  True dat.


Sponsoring is one way to look cool.  Another is to date a supermodel.  Avoid strange accents by sponsoring this show by emailing me at

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Thursday 10/27/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 151 for Thursday, October 27th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So our roommate Ariel is moving out next year
to start Berkeley and her university career
we went with her looking at available places
damn it's expensive and you see some bizarre faces
we met this one guy he must have been over fifty
and he was looking for a college roommate. He seemed a little shifty
there was also a place so small it could barely fit a hamster
and you know you need a place in your room to put your hamper
that was a stretch...but it is wise to put your messy clothes in one centralized location
so to all you college students looking for a room
just hang in there I'm sure you'll find it soon!

Today we hear from the Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT featuring an interesting place where my wife and I met.  Well, almost met.

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment MIKE ON MOBILE, plus we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega: three people who once lived together in a flat near Berkeley.  Actually, I meant a flat box.  Those were hard times.


Cumulus radio corporation just destroyed a legendary rock station in L.A. yesterday so you see, sponsoring radio today is funding an evil cause.  Fund a FUN cause!  Email me at

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 10/26/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 150 for Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So yesterday was the 25th
so 2 months from that holiday called Christmasth
it was also a week from Halloween
and one month away from Thankgiveen
so now we are getting into the big holidays
and it's time to stress about what to give away
to your favorite people or those one's your related to
I think and I think and I still don't know what to do
to my relatives that go to Occupy rallies, a tear gas mask and shields to deflect bean bags
but before then we need to think of a costume
then after that to find a turkey I can once again ruin

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the now oh-so-famous segment RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS!

Tomorrow we'll bring you MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT and we'll hear from the Brewmaster, Benita the Rodeo Queen, and the Disgruntled Fiddle Player: three people who give me the same thing every Christmas...grief.


Podcasts are far more entertaining then radio and, as in the case of this one, have NO COMMERCIALS.  Fix that problem now by sponsoring this show!  Email me at

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 10/25/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 149 for Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

It's hard to believe it's so
but Christmas has just 2 months to go
are you ready for holiday crap
and that constant holiday tv slap
there is this movie my wife likes to see, it's a must
it's called "The Night They Saved Christmas"
with Jacqueline Smith before she started selling clothing
and Art Carney the guy was Santa Ho Ho Ho-ing
and the music was completely written by Paul Williams, the little guy who was a regular on The Love Boat
it looks like he spends have the movie drunk and sloshed over
luckily since then he's been to rehab and now he's sober.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS we bring you part two of INTO AN INTERVIEW with Robyn Werk who was one of the party attendees at this Sunday's Pumpkin Carving Party.  More hilarity ensues!

Tomorrow we'll bring you the return of the segment RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS, plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people who should have their own Christmas special..."The Night They Saved Moron's."


You don't really need to sponsor...especially a podcast like this.  It's daily.  It's creative.  It has the potential to be the next big podcast.  It also has this cool thing called obscurity going for it.  Email me at

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Monday, October 24, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/24/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 148 for Monday, October 24th, 2011

Listen to the show on by clicking here...

So today we look back and reflect
on a party that was cool as heck!
Thanks to Terri my friend who brought the best
delicious cheeses it was a yummy fest!
This was the pumpkin carving party that happened yesterday
in a little bit I'll have an interview with one of the party people, yayy!
I was running around taking care of all sorts of little things
I finally sat down for five minutes and carved a pumpkin that was boring
it was one with a weird stem that made it look like it had a comb-over
so I went ahead and worked with that
maybe I'll post that in a later podcast!

Today we hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgrunglred Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!  Plus webring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with an interview with a guest from last night's party!

Tomorrow we'll hear part 2 of that interview and we'll also hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega:  three people who were not invited to my party...they smell.


Sponsoring is like pumpkin carving only you don't get stuff all over your hands.  Sponsor this podcast and you will have clean hands.  Even if they smell kinda funny.  Email me at

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 10/23/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 147 for Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

So I was checking out my stats today
a lot of people listened to the show yesterday
it must of been because we had Romy on
so many people like that blond
we're less than a month from my birthday
yesterday was the one-month-mark day
I'm not looking forward to being 43
but you've heard me wine before about these
the wedding we went to was on a golf course and had delicious food
it was the first after 5 wedding I've been to
I don't have the stamina I used to

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS it's the return of the segment WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with different people I can grab and interrogate at my Pumpkin Carving Party going on today.  Be prepared for something interesting!  Hopefully.  We'll also hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who are glad that the don't go to weddings anymore.  Since that one time where they all tried to catch the bouquet.  And they did.


What?  It's Sunday and you don't even want to think about sponsoring?  Well don't be such a grouch!  Sponsor or have a sponsor you know email me at

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 10/22/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 146 for Saturday, October 22nd 2011

Today is Saturday
but we're getting lot's done today
we've got a wedding to go to tonight
so lots of stuff needs to be done all right
we've got to get things ready for tomorrow
we've got a pumpkin carving party and some people wanna go
check out our little festivities with pumpkins and a prize
that we made from thrift store trophies you won't hardly believe your eyes
I will take a picture of it and post it on the blog soon as the Podcast Picture!
so now I podcast then I get ready
for the wedding of our friends son I mean Darren....sorry.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS a very special celebrity on my segment INTO AN INTERVIEW!  You won't believe who it is!

Tomorrow we'll have WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  Plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people who have never been to a thriftstore.  Someone tried to get rid of them at thriftstores, but that plan fell short.  Dang it!


What?  You love this podcast and you know someone who might want to sponsor it!  Awesome!  Well here's something you'll need to know...tell them to email me at

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MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 10/22/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 146 for Saturday, October 22nd 2011

Today is Saturday
but we're getting lot's done today
we've got a wedding to go to tonight
so lots of stuff needs to be done all right
we've got to get things ready for tomorrow
we've got a pumpkin carving party and some people wanna go
check out our little festivities with pumpkins and a prize
that we made from thrift store trophies you won't hardly believe your eyes
I will take a picture of it and post it on the blog soon as the Podcast Picture!
so now I podcast then I get ready
for the wedding of our friends son I mean Darren....sorry.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS a very special celebrity on my segment INTO AN INTERVIEW!  You won't believe who it is!

Tomorrow we'll have WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  Plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people who have never been to a thriftstore.  Someone tried to get rid of them at thriftstores, but that plan fell short.  Dang it!


What?  You love this podcast and you know someone who might want to sponsor it!  Awesome!  Well here's something you'll need to know...tell them to email me at

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Friday, October 21, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 10/21/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 145 for Friday, October 21st, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So yesterday we ate at a restaurant
that left us wanting for wanting want want
it was Indian and it was overpriced
the proportions were the tiniest slices
like 10 dollars for a tiny bowl of Indian slop
even for bread they also charged a lot
when they tried to take a plate with a piece on it
we almost bit the guy's head off and he didn't wear a bonnet
why would he?  It's no where near Easter.  My bad.  Must learn fashion.
should have known better eating in Palo Alto
that's the richest place full of people walking their lhasa apsos.

Today we hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS we bring you the return of NEWS RANDOM with a very interesting statistic that is currently touring the web.

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with a very interesting celebrity that you know and love from one of the greatest movies of the 90's.  Keep your fingers crossed that we get her for sure!  We'll also hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega: three people that left an Indian restaurant once because one of them discovered they were allergic to Naan.  They felt like such a naan-kinpoop.


Throw some sponsorship this way!  We're a podcast that deserves a little love.  If by love you mean sponsoring some cool-dang product!  Email me at

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Thursday 10/20/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 144 for Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So this Sunday we're getting smarty
with a Pumpkin Carving Party
it was my wife's idea, no lies
and we are going to have a pumpkin carving prize
now there are pumpkins all over our entry way
not just orange but some white and gray
and our tv's hooked up to our laptop...what an innovation
I've got it on you tube showing pumpkin carving demonstrations
then all of a sudden MC Hammer's Adams Family Rap will come on and scare everyone!
Looking forward to the festivities
not looking forward to cleaning up the seeds!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the return of the segment MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT!  Today, I will tell you about a very interesting place you will want to try to find!

Tomorrow we'll bring you the return of NEWS RANDOM and we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who will NOT be invited to the party this weekend.  They are a little too rowdy, if you catch my drift.  A little too much of a nutty bunch.  Illegal in four states.  You catch my drift.


Sponsors dress nice and smell good.  That's exactly what this show needs.  Become a sponsor now by emailing me at

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 10/19/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 143 for Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So this week I've seen two movies for sure
that most everyone has seen before
I watched them both on blueray
that technology for those films is a waste
the first one I watched was "Home Alone"
Macaulay Culkin made it worth the 2 hours I'll never own
again and then I saw the film "Super Bad"
there were funny parts but the plot was uber shad
that's another language for "Super Bad" but I didn't want to be redundant
neither of these films I have to see once more
I guess there's a reason why it took so long before.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS the return of the book never to be published in our lifetimes, THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA.

Tomorrow we'll bring you MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT, plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer:  three people who have seen every bad movie I'll never see...and then try to make me watch them by telling me over and over again, "Dude!  You've gotta see these movies!  Ohhhhh, they're the funniest movies ever."  Can't wait.


When you think of a sponsor, do you not think of something that is wonderful and true?  When podcasters think of sponsors, that's what they think of.  Sponsor this show today by emailing me at

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 10/18/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 142 for Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So it appeared to me recently
that growing up my friends were sleeze
my male friends all let me down in major ways
one knocked a tooth out and that was a good day
the first 2 years of high school were just as bad
then I transferred to a new school and I was glad
made much better friends I still talk on facebook
but those earlier years, man, it took a tooth
it just goes to show how evil little boys are...especially in the San Fernando Valley
that's where I grew up, a valley dude
so go out and make friends that aren't rude!

Today we hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the return of the segment, WHY THE HELL DID I YELP THAT?

Tomorrow we'll bring you the return of the book and the segment THE MIKELOPEDIA INSANICA, plus we'll hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega: three people that were awesome friends to their friends growing up.  No teeth were lost.  Not until much later and gingivitis had taken over.


This podcast is one of the few that's not sponsored.  Fix that problem now by becoming a sponsor.  If you like this show not having a sponsor then I guess I wouldn't email

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Monday, October 17, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/17/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 141 for Monday, October 17th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So we went to my wife's cousin's birthday
she was turning 30 and I have to say
I was a little bit in misery
thinking in a month I'll be 43
42 was a good year because I love that book
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy because it took
the number 42 to be the Ultimate Answer
to Life, the Universe, and everything except cancer
it was turned into an interesting movie with Sam Rockwell and Zooey Deschanel by Disney
so if I sound a little depressed
those two numbers seem like they're on an express

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS the return of the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with probably the most bizarre interview I've ever done with someone.  That someone is someone who's been on the show before.  Find out who that someone is and why the interview is soooo bizarre!

Tomorrow we'll bring you the postponed segment that was supposed to be today WHY THE HELL DID I YELP THAT?  Plus we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who are way past 42.  Sadly, I mean age, not IQ.


Podcasting is fun, but what's more fun than that.  No, not a finger in your eye.  It's sponsoring!  Sponsor this show with its ever growing listenership by emailing me at

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 10/16/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 140 for Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So there was no podcast yesterday
I was busy with things to do all day
and one of the people I was with
is a big fan of this show so he's probably miffed
he was expecting a new podcast but we were both at
that fashion show Ariel talked about in Friday's podcast
in fact the guy I was with was Ariel's dad
and Ariel's mom Georgia was also there, it was rad
Ariel modeled several outfits but she didn't want to come on today to discuss them.
So it was a fun fashion show in Alameda
other than runways there was some entertainment to see uh

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS we finally bring you the segment WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK?  I know you've waited a long, long time.

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment WHY THE HELL DID I YELP THAT? Plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer: three people who have never been in a fashion show.  Except for Floyd.  He got that runway nice and shiny for one show.  So shiny that the models flew right off the runway and into the TJ Maxx across the street.  They all emerged unscathed and slightly better dressed.


It's Sunday and the day of rest.  Did you know that sponsoring is almost like resting?  Rest a little more today by sponsoring this show.  Email me at

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Friday, October 14, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 10/14/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 139 for Friday, October 14th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

Why are pumpkins so expensive, anywayz,
when you go to a pumpkin picking place
you're doing all the work picking them off the dirty ground
they charge you twice they do at the grocery store in town
and why does organic food cost so much more
now I have to buy that since my wife and I swore
off corporate farming after seeing a documentary
about the disappearing bee tragedy
bee's are disappearing because we've messed with their hives for so long and chemically enhanced them
of course you have to hope others give a damn
that they're not putting on falsely that organic stamp

Today we hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW featuring a very special guest.  The originally scheduled WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK will be postponed until tomorrow.  Sorry.  I know you were waiting with bated breath.

Tomorrow we'll also hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega:  three  people who bought pumpkins at their local grocery store and turned them all into representations of themselves.  It's the pumpkin Mt. Rushmore.  Now we all have to find some cheesy tour company to pick us up in a smelly bus and take us there to see it.  Thanks guys!


Are pumpkins that one thing that bring you happiness?  How 'bout sponsoring a show that brings everyone happiness.  Either happiness or bewilderment.  Either one's cool.  Sponsor this show by emailing me at

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

MIKE's DAILY PODCAST for Thursday 10/13/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 138 for Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Hey Tea Partiers get ready for competition
it's the emergence of the Occupy Wall Street coalition
after some real good jokes on Saturday Night Live
the fever is spreading and shaking the hive
from New York it has spread to near my home
at the Chevron offices over in San Ramon
people saying they should not be subsidized
for making gas that they charge us too much for, thanks guys!
But this protests CORPORATIONS not just GOVERNMENT so Tea Partiers don't like 'em
watch "Inside Job" and you'll want to rant
even when you look beyond the liberal slant

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS it's another installment of the segment NEWS RANDOM.  (MIKE's PODCAST PICNIC has been moved to an as yet undetermined date.)

Tomorrow we'll bring you the return of WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK, plus we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster.  Three people who all work for big, huge, monolithic corporations.  God I'm jealous!


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 10/12/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 137 for Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

Listen today's show on by clicking here...

So my wife and I today
took a drive with our dog to Half Moon Bay
I know I've mentioned such trips before
but this trip was something more
the waves were bigger than I have ever seen
every where there was a fine mist from the see
as the foam from the crashing waves take flight
it's like the big waves in Hawaii type of sight
and then we get home and I notice the fence between my neighbor and I has a downed section
that's my other chore today
try to work like I'm in the fence builder trade

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS we hear the conclusion on INTO AN INTERVIEW my interview with the lead singer of the new up and coming group MISTER LOVELESS!

Tomorrow we'll bring you a special MIKE's PODCAST PICNIC from an interesting Bay Area locale.  Don't worry about ants at this picnic.  They've been asked not to attend.  They sent us a nasty text but we think they understand.


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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 10/11/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 136 for Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So that Netflix guy is nuts
and he sounds like he's a putts
trying to bring down Netflix is his goal
having so much money has taken its toll
he tried to start Quickster now that has been dumped
he was riding so high when blockbuster blew up
now he's losing almost all his customers they're gone
raising his prices is his way of saying I'm a class A moron
someone I know who knows a Netflix employee says he was just laid off yesterday.  Nice.
so to all of you who worked for mindless companies
just remember there's stupid ceo's and there'll always be

Today we hear from Benita, DFP, and the Brewmaster, PLUS another installment of INTO AN INTERVIEW with part 2 of my interview with the lead singer of the band MISTER LOVELESS, Rob I. Miller.

Tomorrow we'll hear the finale of my interview with MISTER LOVELESS, plus we'll hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega.  Three people that already bought stock in Quickster.  They thought it was a new type of chocolate milk mix.  Who can blame them?


Been called rude today?  You must have said something that irked someone.  Irk EVERYONE by sponsoring this podcast.  Email me at

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Monday, October 10, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/10/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 135 for Monday, October 10th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So today's our friend's anniversary
of being married for one year...and there's a stary
I mean a story since a year ago
my wife and I were there in San Diego
my wife was the Maid of Honor and I was a groomsman
they got married in a restaurant the theme designed by the woman
I mean the bride and the groom designed other stuff too
it should have been in a magazine for you to look through
oh, and then six months later, they're moving up to the Bay Area for jobs at Google and Auto Desk!
now we see them up here it's better
aren't you glad when things come together!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with an up and coming band from near where I live called MISTER LOVELESS!

Tomorrow more of my interview with MISTER LOVELESS plus we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who have never been married.  Oh wait, that's not true; two of them are married.  Don't know which two?  Just remember the Brewmaster bathes only when he accidentally falls into his rootbeer vat.  That should narrow it down.


Podcasts are all over the place, but only one's like this are the only one's worth listening to.  Everyone knows that.  So advertise to everyone by sponsoring this show.  Email me at

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MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/10/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 135 for Monday, October 10th, 2011

Listen to today's show at the following link ( is running really slow but will have show up later.  I'll repost that link later.  Put link in address bar if it doesn't work right away.)...


So today's our friend's anniversary
of being married for one year...and there's a stary
I mean a story since a year ago
my wife and I were there in San Diego
my wife was the Maid of Honor and I was a groomsman
they got married in a restaurant the theme designed by the woman
I mean the bride and the groom designed other stuff too
it should have been in a magazine for you to look through
oh, and then six months later, they're moving up to the Bay Area for jobs at Google and Auto Desk!
now we see them up here it's better
aren't you glad when things come together!

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with an up and coming band from near where I live called MISTER LOVELESS!

Tomorrow more of my interview with MISTER LOVELESS plus we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster: three people who have never been married.  Oh wait, that's not true; two of them are married.  Don't know which two?  Just remember the Brewmaster bathes only when he accidentally falls into his rootbeer vat.  That should narrow it down.


Podcasts are all over the place, but only one's like this are the only one's worth listening to.  Everyone knows that.  So advertise to everyone by sponsoring this show.  Email me at

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Sunday 10/9/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 134 for Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

I went to a Greek festival today
and baklava is all I have to say
it was here in Castro Valley
I sure love it when it's up my alley
I should not have eaten before I went
because there was so much good food all my money would be spent
I have brought home some delicious baklava
that doughy deliciousness we'll be a great dessert, ya!
Ja...that's more German and less Greek.  Gotta get those "g" countries straight
hope you had a great weekend
sorry this is getting to you so late, friend.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS the return of the segment MIKE MAKES MUSIC with a fun new song (written today) about a certain peculiar style of music.

Tomorrow we will have the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with a new group that's building a huge following called MISTER LOVELESS.  Google them now!  We'll also hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.  None of them are Greek.  They ARE all Geek.  You're welcome.


What?  You want to sponsor a podcast but you can't decide on which one?  Why don't you just sponsor this one and be done with it!  Email me at

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Saturday 10/8/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 134 for Saturday, October 8th, 2011

As promised, my report LIVE from the Cheese and Wine Festival!  Enjoy!

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

Tomorrow we'll have the return of the segment MIKE MAKES MUSIC, plus we'll hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega!  Three people who know a lot about cheese and wine.  You might say they're cheese and wino's.  Or not.  You might not say that.  Shhh!  They're right behind you!  Don't say that!


Sponsoring is like running, but without the sweating and constant gasping for air.  Do a little sponsoring now and sponsor this show!  Email me at

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Friday, October 7, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Friday 10/7/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 133 for Friday, October 7th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

I saw the movie "50/50" last night
starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt he was all right
and Seth Rogen showed up to offer some backing
he really stretched his range of acting
he was the same character in everything I've seen him in
from "Knocked Up" to "The 40 Year Old Virgin"
he smokes pot, gets stoned, and shows a little conscience
and he's always so flemmy so that adds to the suspense
it was completely filmed in Seattle, so that was cool, and there was one more thing I liked
it showed how our medical system is in ruin
oh, and you see the actor who played Max Headroom!

Today we hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we bring you the segment INTO AN INTERVIEW with singer/songwriter Tristen who talks about her music and Forever 21.  Apparently, women like to shop there.  Did you know that?

Tomorrow we'll have the very special LIVE FROM THE "CHEESE AND WINE FESTIVAL" AT RIVERBANK IN MODESTO.  Throughout the day I will be posting live updates from my little table stationed next to my wife and our roommate who will be selling hair/feather attachments.  It will be MIKE's FIRST TRULY PODCAST PICNIC!  Do not forget to check back here tomorrow!


Sponsoring is like running, but without the sweating and constant gasping for air.  Do a little sponsoring now and sponsor this show!  Email me at

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Thursday 10/6/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 132 for Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So I am planning, cuz that's what I do
to bring you a cool interview
it will be next Monday's show
I'll post it a little later though
I'm going to be interviewing a new young band
that hail from the Bay Area actually Concord I understand
they're called Mister Loveless and my wife saw them
at an opening for a Betsey Johnson store in San Franciscan
Betsey was actually there as was this band performing so I tracked down their email
google them to find out more and all
I'll try to talk to them like a professional

Today we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS it's the return of the segment RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS.  You probably know who everyone's posting about right now.  We'll hear some of the more strange one's.  (By the way, whoever thought Steve Jobs was the Benjamin Franklyn of his generation?  The guy had a lot of interesting quotes!)

Tomorrow we'll bring you a look back at an INTO AN INTERVIEW we did earlier this year with an amazing singer/songwriter named Tristen.  Her music is awesome and we covered some fun topics in the interview.  We'll also hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster:  three people who have actually once formed a band.  It quickly deformed.  Like that guy who fell into toxic waste in "Robocop."  Good times.


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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST the test effizode for this Saturday 10/8/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST the test effizode in preparation for this Saturday, October 8th, 2011

This is a test podcast for this weekend!

Listen on by clicking here...

Exciting.  Find out what exciting place Mike will be doing MIKE's PODCAST PICNIC from this Saturday!  Listen throughout the day for instant uploads and updates!



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Too many people have been killed by pancreatic cancer. I lost my wonderful Aunt Angela to it a couple years ago. I don't own a single Apple product, but Mr. Jobs sure knew a thing or two about how to get people excited about technology. And he created iPods and thus podcasting which is close to my heart.

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Wednesday 10/5/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 131 for Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

I'm really happy now to see
some funny shows now on tv
after Cougar Town left me depressed
there's 3 new shows better than the rest
you've probably heard the critics talk up these shows
but I think I was really the last to know
so we watched the one called "2 Broke Girls"
and the jokes were enough to make go and hurl
in delight..."New Girl" and "Up All Night" are also very funny
let's hear it for Zooey Deschanel and Christina Applegate
and that girl from "40 Year Old Virgin" that's funny and great!

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS the return of my much loved segment MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT where we go to a place that's really hot right now.  Well maybe not AS hot.  We'll find out why.

Tomorrow we'll bring you the segment RIDICULOUS RANDOM POSTS plus we'll hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floormand, and John Deer the Engineer.  All three think Zooey Deschanel is the name of a French zoo.  Not so smart.


Sponsoring can be fun!  Just like eating unground coffee beans!  I'm losing sleep just thinking about it!  Be a podcast sponsor by emailing me at

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Tuesday 10/4/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 130 for Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

So I have to apologize
for some of my recurring MDP guys
I said something on my blog
that didn't necessarily correspond
to what was on the show so I would like to say
I'm sorry to 3 people who we kinda brushed away
Valentino, Bison Bentley and Madame Rootabega
you were supposed to be on but now you'll be on latuh
to those of you who were not interested at all in this slip up, I hope you are having a fine Tuesday
oh and I went to an open mic
what fun that was last night

Today we'll hear from Benita the Rodeo Queen, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster, PLUS we'll bring you the highly anticipated WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK!

Tomorrow we'll bring you another installment of MIKE's SCAVENGER HUNT plus we'll hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega.  Three people I neglected yesterday.  Three people we should neglect everyday.  Hallmark.


Sponsoring this show is like throwing a watermelon off a, illegal, and always kills a hobo.  No, not really.  But if you'd like to be a sponsor email me at

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Monday, October 3, 2011

need fun stuff. Truly.
New podcast up now at covering all things seemingly important for today. Click the link to listen and for other fun stuff. We all

MIKEs DAILY PODCAST for Monday 10/3/2011


MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 129 for Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Listen to today's show on by clicking here...

Sorry no podcasts over the weekend
I was very, very busy, my friend
I helped my brother-in-law move on Saturday
got home and hung out with my wife okay?
Then yesterday we went to a flee market
I didn't see any flees but the prices they were marked up
way more than any of that crap was worth
welcome to the lamest garage sale on earth
then my wife help my brother-in-law with buying new bedding for his bed
that's nice as a sister she can add some taste
to the trappings of my bro-in-law's new place.

Today we hear from Valentino the Parking Attendant, Bison Bentley, and Madame Rootabega, PLUS it's the return of the segment EMAIL FOR ME MAIL with a letter from someone who likes to share...too much.

Tomorrow we bring you the segment WHAT'S THE CLICHE OF THE WEEK? plus we hear from Chely Shoehart the Giftshop Supervisor, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer.  I would love to drop those three off at a flee market and try to sell them for inflated prices.  However, I think there's a law against that.  Maybe.


If you are someone who wants to sponsor a podcast and most podcasts leave you confused then look no further ooo er ka zoo tadadum!  Email me at

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