MIKE's DAILY PODCAST effizode 437 Saturday December 29th 2012 11am Pacific Time
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"
"Internet Talk Radio For Your Imagination!"
Listen to today's show on MichaelMatthews.podomatic.com by clicking on the link below... http://michaelmatthews.podomatic.com/entry/2012-12-29T11_32_18-08_00
If the above link's expired you can find it forever on dropbox here... http://db.tt/BkH8O9w4
Oops! I missaid something on the show today. You won't be able to see Comet ISON two years from now, just a year from now. It will be visible from October 2013 to January 2014. That will be fun! Of course there will be those doomsayers as there always is surrounding anything of a scientific nature. No, it's just an old calender. No, it's just an amazing comet that we'll have the opportunity to see. Chill out! Oh, and have a wonderful 2013! Have a safe new year's and do not drink booze if you're going to drive. Enjoy the virgin drinks: your coke's and sprite's and blended smoothies. 2013 will be a lucky year! Let's start it off smart! And here's to more fun Mike's Daily Podcasts in 2013!
Today we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer, PLUS we bring you the segment MIKE's ABSOLUTELY USELESS REVIEW, or MAUR, of 2012, and another song by a group I interviewed this year! Tell your friends about my website http://MikesDailyPodcast.com
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